Hello, my name is Sophia and I am a teacher of English in Ancient Olympia, Greece. Welcome to my blog!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stand still, look around

-Βημήτ'η, μην φτενοχωγιέχαι, φα το βιαβάφω μόνο βύο φογέχ το βιβίο και μετά φα φτο βώφω!

And you don't move, in case you break the spell....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Circles, we're going around, around in circles...

Γυρίζουμε πάλι, γύρω γύρω, απο το ίδιο σημείο, όχι πια σε κύκλους, αλλά σε σπείρες, κουβαλώντας μεσα μας τον αέρα του παρελθόντος, τις μυρωδιές από γιασεμί και νυχτολούλουδο και άνθη λεμονιάς, της παλιάς ντουλάπας, της στρωματσάδας στο πάτωμα με τα μάτια στο ταβάνι και το σπιτικό σαπούνι για τα υφαντά σεντόνια, τους ήχους της πλατείας όπως σιγά σιγά τρυπώνανε μέσα από τα ανοιχτά παράθυρα....

... το παλιό και το καινούριο, μια σπείρα, που πάντα ξέρεις πού είναι το κέντρο της και προχωράς, στον δικό σου πια δρόμο, όλο και πιο μακριά χωρίς να απομακρύνεσαι...

Μετράς τα χρόνια με τα παλιά γράμματα και τις φωτογραφίες, και οι μπουκαμβίλιες και το γιασεμί, τα παλιά καινούρια, σκαρφαλώνουνε πάλι για να πνίξουνε τα μπαλκόνια!

Καινούρια σημάδια στους παλιούς τοίχους, που στηρίζουνε ακόμα πιστά....

...και οι παλιές καλαμωτές, θα συνεχίσουν την πολύχρονη φιλοξενία τους, για καιρό ακόμα, ακούγοντας και τα παραμύθια της δικής μας διαδρομής μέσα στο χώρο και τον χρόνο...

Όπως κι εμείς, παλιά, τώρα και τα δικά μας πιτσιρίκια, χώνονται σε μπαούλα και ντουλάπια, πότε κερδίζοντας...

...και πότε χάνοντας το πολυποθητο γλύκο....

Βέβαια τώρα, στην άκρη της σπείρας, ο μινιόν γλυκατζής της οικογένειας μάρκαρει τα δώρα της θείας ώστε να μην έχει κανείς αμφιβολία ΤΙ είναι και κυρίως, σε ΠΟΙΟΝ ανήκουνε!! Άντε, Δημήτρη, ακόμα μία και σήμερα!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Caramels, bonbons et chocolats

Βόλτα στο Ναύπλιο με τους κολλητούς (επειδή δεν περνάμε αρκετό χρόνο παρέα, δηλαδή... ;-Ρ), και είπαμε να κάνουμε βόλτα την μισή Πελοπόννησο (ναι, μέσα στον καύσωνα, δεν μασάμε και πάντα φυσάμε!!) με δικαιολογία, μια βόλτα στον Μελόκηπο και τον Καραμελόκηπο!!!

Ο καύσωνας ποσώς μας απασχόλησε, και οι ώρες στην παλιά πόλη του Ναυπλίου κυλίσανε χωρίς να τις καταλάβουμε, μέσα σε γλυκές γεύσεις, παρέες και κουβέντες!

Μπράβο, Γιάννη!!! (Οκ, εκείνο το ραφάκι με τα Σεραφίνο και τον χαρτονένιο Λούκυ Λουκ, μπορώ να τα δανειστώ??)

Life is sweet, life is good!!!!
Ένας μαγικός κόσμος χρωμάτων....

Ένας μαγικός κόσμος γεύσεων...

Καρδιές που σιγά σιγά λιώνουν....

Με παιδικές αναμνήσεις κρυμμένες μέσα στις γεύσεις που απολαμβάνεις με κλειστά μάτια...

Με πράγματα για τους φίλους.....

... και για τους εχθρούς (άμα λάχει να 'ούμε)!! ;-Ρ

Και λίγα μέτρα πιο πέρα, ο Μελόκηπος, με τις δεκάδες παραδοσιακές γεύσεις, όχι μόνο σε γλυκά (εκείνο το κριθαράκι με το τσίλι, θα κάνει φανταστικό γιουβέτσι στην πήλινη γάστρα...)!!

Για δροσιά, βουτιές στα υποβρύχια με γλυκό του κουταλιού....

Γεμίσαμε την ζέστη γύρω μας, με χίλιες μύριες μυρωδιές κι αρώματα....

Κι όταν οι σκιές αρχίσανε να σκαρφαλώνουνε σιγά σιγά τους τοίχους...

... χαλαρό καφεδάκι (oh, Ximoooooon!! Remember the coffee argument/treatise at Stoupa?? Oh, well... more parameters in the equation, and that is _just_ for greek coffee here... ;-P)...

... και παιχνίδια στρατηγικής με τις πυραμίδες...

Και για το κλείσιμο, μακαρονάδα με κόκκορα σε σκηνικό ελληνικής ταινίας του '60, και την ζέστη να πολιορκεί τα πλατάνια δίπλα από την νεροτριβή!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Me gusta la noche

Για πότε....

... το κόβετε...

...το πρώτο ...

.... σπιτικό mojito....

...είτε με μέντα....

....είτε με δυόσμο...

... με πρόβλεψη και για αργότερα....

... θέα μπουκαμβίλιες και άρωμα γιασεμί...

... και live music??

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Camina con el viento

-To xampp το εγκαθιστάς με το exe του ή κάνεις το unpack το σχετικό αρχείο?
-Πάντα με το exe.
-Ok, εγώ αποφάσισα να χρησιμοποιήσω τον άλλον τρόπο αλλά κάτι δεν μου λειτουργεί σωστά και δεν βλέπω το localhost.
-Χμ... Συνειδητοποιείς ότι πλέον έχεις Vista, ε?
-ΥΕΑΗ!!!! Τα κατάφερα (μια βλακεία ήταν η λύση τελικά)!!! Αλλά κόντεψα να ζαλιστώ με τόσο διάβασμα! Μέχρι και τα γερμανικά post στο forum διάβασα....
-Ξέρεις γερμανικά?
-Τι να σου πω, βασικά όχι, αλλά εκείνα τα κατάλαβα... και προχτές διάβασα κάτι στα ολλανδικά και κατάλαβα το γενικό νόημα... Έχω έμπνευση φαίνεται αυτές τις μέρες...

-Sophia is a gadget person!
-Oh, YES you are...
-So, where's my GPS then?
-Ok, WHO else do you know who carries CBs, when we're more than one car?

-Είδες, εμένα λέτε ότι είμαι gadget person αλλά άλλοι έχουνε τα netbooks και τα gps!!! Εγώ ούτε netbook έχω, ούτε gps, το κινητό μου είναι μια παλιατζούρα, και άλλαξα laptop επειδή το άλλο τα έφτυσε (εεεε... κατά βάσιν..)
-Κοίτα, εδώ που τα λέμε, όλοι μας είμαστε ολίγον τι geeks, παραδέξου..
-Ε, ναι.. βέβαια εγώ ακόμα, έχω κάμποσο δρόμο μπροστά μου, είμαι στο gee προς το παρόν, μου λείπει ακόμα το k!

Toghether we stand, divided we go.....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Life is a mystery....

Days spent in words, written pages that you wish are never ending, but still, devour them to their end, stories that start unfolding their tale in the cool waters of the cave and leisurely, tentatively, bring their magic into the light, fighting the darkness away! They linger... They stretch out under the sun and are woven into the quiet dreams on the hot sand, that takes each one of our shapes... The sun moves and we move along with it.... The tide rises, and the phantom of the story, dissolves in the water... We each mark the spot in a different way...

Days, that eventually turn into nights, when the colours melt into darkness, when the darkness below....

... opens up to unexpected hidden vaults! We follow the layers of meaning, and the rules of the game....

...and play with words even more..... words are still everywhere... eyes smile, quiet understanding... comforting...

The sweet taste of life, its sour moments drowned in laughter, the joy of people who know that they now, can have their chance....

More stories wait to unfold, they anchor themselves to random memories, and they dash out to our present... No end and no beginning? We ride words....

..like waves...
They are the map we use to find one another... Again, the quiet comfort of shared memories... shared stories... They rearrange themselves, and leave us all on our separate, but yet crossing ways.

Out of the sky, I close my eyes.....

...and it feels like home..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On my mind, on my mind, on my mind, on my mind

...There's a thing that I can't explain...

-Hey, guys, it's so great that you are here, this is the grand opening for my new kitchen, it's the first meal that I'm cooking here, and I'm sharing it with you!!!
-Yeah, well, let's hope it's not our last!!! Though, it smells great!! I'm starving!!!

-Need any help?
-Ok, I need you to go upstairs and get me one large salad bowl, extra forks, spatula, coffee mugs, paper napkins, towels, three.....
-EEeeehmmmm... Ok... Oh... look at the time!!! I have to check my emails!!

-Ok, this is called boujiourdi, it's feta cheeze with tomato and chilli, and I'm guessing it's really extra spicy, since my hand is red from chopping the chilli!!
-Well, how many chillies did you put in?
-Just two...
-TWO? For this small plate here?
-Oh, well, it can't be that hot... I see most of it is already gone!!
-Yeah, that's because Ernesto is attacking it!!!
-Oh, I better hurry then!! Make way!! I didn't get the skin burn for nothing!!

-Hm.. what kind of ice-cream should we get?
-I'm guessing, all flavours... Maybe some twice?
-Oh, you think that 6 kilos of ice-cream for 8 people won't be enough?
-Well, better safe than hungry...

-Is Ernesto still sleeping?
-Kind of... I think he can hear us!! Let's smear him with shaving cream!!
-Yeah, let's shave his legs!!
-Hehe, Sophia is the only one who can do that and be safe afterwards!!
-Yeah, and now that he's taken off the cast, he can't hurt us that much!!

-I told Koyan that I'd hurt him if you did funny things to me while I was sleeping...
-We only did serious things to you, don't worry!
-...some of which you won't find out until a couple of days from now!

-Let me put some milk caramel as a topping on your ice cream!!
-Well, I can finish off the whole can!!! And you know, in Argentina they do that with fresh milk and sugar and they boil it for about 6-7 hours... It's fantastic!!
-Oh.... we should really try to do that too!!

-Oh, Koyan has bashed his head on your ceiling!!
-OHHHHH!!!! Did he make a dent?

-What are you munching?
-I have dates? Where??
-From your palm trees, these are dates here, they're small, but edible!!
-Wow, you should really come more often!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The magic lies scattered...

...on rugs on the ground
-Well, I've even brought my own bed!! Just in case you don't have enough for 15 people!
-And how many people can you carry with the Fabia?
-One and a half as it is, with the beach chairs, the drawer and what have you...
-So, take the drawer (...drawer? DRAWER???) and the beach chairs out, when we get home!! Cause you'll be driving some of us to the pool party, the van doesn't accomodate all!!
-Oh, right... As long as we don't forget the cake!
;-P-Hm.. Koyan has a strange signal light to turn, don't you think?
-Yeah, and that skull and bones thingy, what? Is it a warning sign! Maybe we should get him new signal lights...
-You think? Maybe we should get him a new motorbike!!

-So, Koyan! Have you heard of gravity?
-Don't worry, I won't fall asleep...
-It's not the "asleep" we're concerned with, it's the "fall"

-You should try these, I've brought them from Mexico!
-Oh, WOW!!! These are absolutely fantastic (and let's not forget the tequila!!!!). And the wafery ones, even more so!!
-Yeah, these, however, are a bit hot, there's chilly in them!
-Oh, how much candy did you bring? Are these all?

-No, I've also got these...
-Ok, are THESE all you've brought?
-Actually, no....

-... I've also brought this bag here....
-Oh, ok...., soooo, where do you leave the bag when you sleep?

-Did you accidentally throw Koyan into the pool?
-Well, he was just standing there... it was so provocative!!
-Hoho, do it again, he can't hurt you, you have the cast, you can threaten him with it!!

-That's definitely a piña colada!
-And where's the rum, then?
-There's some in it!
-What? Like a drop? I can't taste any! Noone's ever gonna get drunk on this!!
-Well, the margueritas are coming later on!

-What's this, then?
-Strawberry daquiri...
-And those other jugs over there?
-Melon, and margueritas!
-Are we ordering with colours?

-What kind of cake is it?
-Two separate chocolate cakes!!!! They're delicious!
-Oh, but I don't like chocolate!!
-Oh, EXCELLENT!! More for us then!!
-.. but I'll try Stella's cake, from yours!
-Are you done with the pictures? Cause we would actually like to cut it!!!
-Ok, as long as you serve us from both!!

-Do you think there is an actual chance of lighting the candles with all that wind?
-Oh, well,... they make holes on the topping too... But, we can try!

-One, two, three...
-Hm... three seconds pass faster if you're Mexican, then?
-Actually, one, two, three, is 2.6 seconds...
-Hm... he's got a point, you know... Actually, one between 2 and 6!!

-We need a native speaker here, to rule on what the card says!
-(Yeah, plus she's holding a huge knife... who would challenge what she says??) So, Sarah?
-Ok, the card doesn't say, so Stella can actually do that, even more so since it's against the rules.
-Well, she has sharp logic... (not to mention a sharp knife, eh?)

-How long before the echiladas are ready?
-Well, since you didn't actually light the oven, much longer than you planned!!!

-These are a bit spicy, heh?
-A BIT? Just keep the hose ready...

-There's an echilada left!!!
-Ok, if noone claims it, I'm willing to sacrifice myself!!
-We can split it in half... Wow, you eat much faster than I do!!!
-Well, I am extremely efficient in eating!! (Plus, with munchkin on the table, you never know who can steal it away or claim it in 2.6 seconds...)

-So, how many wi-fi devices you think we have now at the house?
-About 2 per person? So that would make at least 15!!!
-And how many Octavia Butler books? And readers? ( I knew, I should have brought my own copy...)

-What are you doing?
-I'm decorating Ernesto's cast.. And then, can I draw on your hand too?? I can make very beautiful flowers
-Eh... ok.....
And for the rest of the way...