Hello, my name is Sophia and I am a teacher of English in Ancient Olympia, Greece. Welcome to my blog!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We are the champions!

Well, living in Ancient Olympia has its many advantages, and now with the fires and all that, even more famous people come. Today, Panaghiotis Giannakis, the brilliant player and coach, visited our school on a Vodafone promotional tour.

Suffice it to say that we were all thrilled, students and teachers, since it has been our idol for at least the past 2 decades!

You can imagine how the kids raved, all of them wanting autographs on pieces of paper, small basketballs, T-shirts (yeah, we also got Vodafone's promotional material) and all!!

What they enjoyed most though, was the shots on our basketball field, where they all cheered and tried out under his istructions!

Well, I have to admit that it is fun when legends and especially ones with low profile, visit schools, they can very well act as role models.

The small basketballs were _the_ rage all throughout the day, and I'm sure now that many more kids will spend more time playing basketball than football (the No. 1 sport with boys and girls here, equally) so I won't be among the very few, shooting hoops when we have our school outings!!!

Everybody wanted an autograph!! (Naturally!!)

Oh, plus we got to be on national TV, of course (remember, it was a promotional visit)...

And, you have to admit, ours is a nice building!!!!


Blogger snikolas said...

Υποθέτω ότι τσίμπησες και εσύ το αυτόγραφο σου και όχι μόνο τα παιδιά!

1:26 am

Blogger Sophia said...

Χιχι, λάθος υποθέτεις, δεν μου λένε τίποτε τα αυτόγραφα, μας υπέγραψε όμως μπάλες του μπάσκετ για το σχολείο!! Καταλαβαίνεις με τι θα παίζουμε λοιπόν!

1:59 am


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