Tell me why...
The Hellenic Physical Society's ecological conference on environmental issues, was something that would be hard to miss, (I seem to be attending lots of their events, hehehe, hard to resist!!!)! So we started yesterday evening, and together with a fantastic group of people that we had already met several times before, had very interesting conversations and heard extremely good papers on the summer fires, the climate change, the way that nature regenerates itself and all that jazz!! Today, we visited the most fire afflicted areas and discussed a large variety of issues!
And all that, together with great rides in the Fabia, with fantastic views of the sunset, under hail next to the sea, laughs and jokes over good wine and even better company (είπαμε, φωτογραφίες λογοκρίνονται under the προσωπικά δεδομένα issue, hehehe), lunches and dinners, and everything still not over!! Isn't it amazing how time both stretches and flies by, when you're in good hands?
What can I say, I'm a sucker for PE04!!!!
βρε συ, τι το κάναμε εδώ μέσα, American bar?
3:41 pm
@vita mi barouak
Χοχο, κοίτα, για Ιρλανδέζικο πηγαίναμε, αλλά μας τέλειωσε η Guinness στο δρόμο!
8:38 pm
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