Hello, my name is Sophia and I am a teacher of English in Ancient Olympia, Greece. Welcome to my blog!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Desde el cielo habló la Luna llena

Pre-birthday birthday cake, prepared by niece and nephew... (Chocopie, with ehm... unique taste in decoration, each kid had one half...)

Θεία, έλα λίγοοοο!!! :-D

And on the exact time... :-D

Ehm... isn't that a bit radical for birthday candles?

Fire coming our way, fast...

Good thing the firefighters got there and got it under control. Kudos, people!! :-D

Second fire fighting plane dropping its load.

And gladly, all done with...

Ehm... I said SCORPIO not scorpion... jee... get your spelling correct fairy godmother!

Delivery with choir level "Happy Birthday" from the lands of the North, to the lands of the exotic South!! That was a brilliant (and hey, very, very tasty) surprise!! ;-D

The German birthday loot, part 1!

The German birthday loot, part 2!

The Mexican birthday loot!! 
(Yeap, it's a serial birthday... problem? :-P)


Blogger Sophia said...

Άσε, μη συζητάς... http://www.sintagespareas.gr/sintages/keik-sokolatas.html

7:55 pm

Blogger Sophia said...

Πολύ σοφή κίνηση. Είναι καταπληκτικό κέικ.

8:33 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

thank you

سعودي اوتو

11:37 am

Anonymous Helmut said...

Tolle Bilder und ein schöner Beitrag.Liebe Grüße vom Bringdienst Dresden an alle.Grüße Helmut

6:04 pm

Anonymous Owen said...

Nicce post thanks for sharing

6:51 am


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